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Person Commitments Report


Reports all the changes made to the selected personnel’s scheduled activities.  It produces one report per person.  If only one person was selected, then the report is automatically downloaded for viewing.  If more than one person was selected, then select the appropriate person from the drop down list and click on the View Report button to download that persons report.


May be automatically run when changing a person shift pattern in the Personnel Maintenance function, or when Regenerating Shifts.


Select Reports > Personnel Commitments



·               This report has the capability of printing a line of user entered text in the heading of each report. Overtype Your current selection is text box with user desired contents.

·               Select a date range for the reported commitments

·               Click Submit


Depending on the amount of data being reported on, the report may take some time to be produced.  Please be patient!


If more than one person has been selected that have commitments to be reported, then the following page is presented.



·               Select the person whose report to view

·               Click View Report



e.g. employee Persons Commitments report


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