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User Details


Users. 1

Creating a user 2

Clear password (for user to reset) 6




To create new users and give them access to the areas they need to do their job.


There are three areas to cover:


·      User Profile

·      Absence Profile

·      Users


Create Users, User Profiles and Absence Profiles in any order. However, when creating a user, you set the users User and Absence profiles so logically, create these first.


User profile

Most users fall into categories according to their job role and what they use CARM for. User Profile is where you create those categories by identifying the elements they are allowed to use e.g. you may create a Supervisor Profile for the Resource Managers, giving them access to Duty Planning, Enquiries, Reports, Personnel Availability, Time Management, and Personnel Management.


Create a General Profile for personnel who simply need to book in/out and view their personal details, where no other functions are available.


Absence profile

When using CARM for bookings, personnel may need to book off earlier than their planned shift end time, i.e. a short tour of duty, or record themselves as absent for a planned shift. For example, they may leave early due to sickness or may be taking Lieu time off at short notice i.e. not planned in advance.


Short tour of duty, provides an option (3) to allow personnel to select an absence reason at the time of booking off. Absence Profile Maintenance allows you to identify which sickness and leave activity types may be selected in that situation.




Create the login and password to a user and assign individuals to a Profile. There is often more than one user assigned to each profile. Create a new, or select a Default User View and assign it to the user.


A user must be assigned to a profile before they can become active.

When using Extra pay or adopting self-management through bookings, each person must have a user created for them to use.


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Creating a user

When creating a user, we assign their Profile and identify those parts of the organization structure they can access e.g. a Resource Manager for area Team 1 may have “Update” access to his/her own personnel but “View Only” access to all other teams.


·      Select System Maintenance > Users

·      Select personnel to create as users.



The window is split into 5 main areas:


·      User information

·      Access profile

·      Absence profile

·      Linked identities

·      Organization access, including other persons Address, Contacts, Other Personal, Compensation e.g. Extra pay and time banks, and Others: e.g. Duties information.

·      User name (create account)



·      Select person from the Personnel drop down to create a user for.

·      Enter User name they will use to login e.g. P9836JKM. This can be any combination of letters and numbers with maximum of 20 characters. Note that this is case sensitive.

·      Select Date format preferred for this user by clicking on the appropriate button.

·      Click Submit in the User name and information area.


Access profile (functions and tasks (user profile))



·      Select Access profile for the user e.g. Supervisor, Bookings Only, etc.

·      Click Submit in the Access Profile area.


Absence profile (Allowing self-absence recording)



·      Select Absence profile for the user e.g. Flexitime Absence Profile, Standard Absence Profile. Leave this set to None if users cannot book their own absences when booking off short tours of duty.

·      Click Submit in the Absence Profile area.



Access control (Allowing access to parts of the Organization (user view))



Granting or denying access to parts, or all, of the organization on which the user can carry out the tasks identified in the User Profile.


·      Select Organization structure (Division-Roster Group) for the user to access, from the drop downs or use shortcut buttons My Team (for the users own team) or All for everything.

·      Click Select, selected organization structure is shown at the bottom.

·      Change access to Addresses, Contacts, Other Personal information Compensation and Other functions as required, clicking on the appropriate buttons, options (None, Enquiry, Update, Denied,).

·      Click Submit in the organization area.


Understanding access control

·      Addresses - controls access to address information in the Personal details page.

·      Contacts - controls access to contacts information in the Personal details page.

·      Other Personal - controls access to other information in the Personal details page.

·      Compensation - controls access to Extra pay and time bank information wherever it is available.

·      Others - controls access to all other functionality (e.g. Enquiries, Duty Planning, Activity requests, etc.)

·      None - indicates no access to that information

·      Enquiry - indicates view only to that information - and overrides None for any other overlapping organization selections e.g. If you set 'None' for 'Any' part of the organization, you can override that with 'Enquiry' for specific parts of the organization.

·      Updates - indicates update capability (which includes viewing) to that information - and overrides None and Enquiry for any other overlapping organization selections e.g. If you set 'Enquiry' for 'Any' part of the organization, you can override that with 'Update' for specific parts of the organization.

·      Denied - also indicates no access to that information - but overrides None, Enquiry and Update for any other overlapping organization selections.  E.g. If you set 'Update' for 'Any' part of the organization, you can override that with 'Denied' for specific parts of the organization.  Denied has the highest priority of the four options.


User Details Default User Views     


allows for default user views to be maintained and used when defining user views. 

System Maintenance > Users function allows for insertion, updating, deletion and selection of default user views.


·      Select System Maintenance > Users

·      Create the required Division to Roster Group

·      Click Submit

·      Click Select



·      Select Click here to insert a new default from the drop down list

·       Enter a title for the new default User View.

·      Click Save As Default.



·      When creating a new User Select the required Default User View from the drop sown list.


Linked identities (users)



The creation of one user for a person who may have more than one post in the organization: e.g. a part-time Reception Officer who is also a Special Constable. Each post may have different working conditions and therefore compensation, so there is a need for them to be able to log on as the same person, but record their time against the appropriate post. In addition, CARM needs to monitor their working time for both posts.


Their main post is deemed to be their primary position. That is the post for which you create the user.


To link a person to a user:


·      Create a User for each post for the individual, with the appropriate User profile, Absence profile and User view rights.

·      Open the User created for the person’s primary post.

·      Enter the shoulder number, surname or part of either in the Person box.

·      Click Go.

·      Select the correct person from the drop down if more than one is found using your search criteria.

·      Enter a Description to describe the post/identity.

·      Click Add, detail will be added to the Linked Identities box.

·      When the person logs on, they will be presented with options as to which user they wish to log in as.


Removing a linked identity


·      Open the person’s primary user account.

·      Highlight the identity to remove in the Linked Identities box.

·      Click Remove.


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Clear password (for user to reset)

If a user forgets their password, you can clear their existing password ready for them to create a new one.


Select: System Maintenance > Users


·      Select the user you want to clear the password for.

·      Place a tick in Clear Password.

·      Click Submit.


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