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System Control Parameters


Urgent System Message. 2


Control Parameters. 2

System Parameters. 3

System Parameter Definitions. 4

Function Parameters. 7

Function Parameter Definitions. 8

Function User Buttons. 13

Booking Terminals. 15


Urgent System Message

Enables a CARM Administrator to enter a system wide moving message for the attention of all logged on CARM Users. 


·         Select System Maintenance > System Control Parameters.



·         Enter Urgent System Message



·         Click Submit to activate the continually moving message which will appear on all pages throughout CARM, below the navigation bar, moving right to left across the page.



·         Remove the Urgent System Message from the box and click Submit to remove the message display.


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Control Parameters

Looks at the parameters set on the system. They determine what actions to take in certain situations within CARM e.g. Average Hours Horizon states over how many weeks required to calculate the average hours worked for European Working Time Regulations purposes.


The page also displays your current CARM Licence Details


Select System Maintenance > System Control Parameters


There are two areas that parameters are held in CARM, System Parameters and Function ParametersSystem parameters affect the whole system whereas Function parameters are local to the particular function.


This facility allows setting and clearing of up to 3 Function User Buttons on each CARM user page.


There is also an optional: facility to download a cookie to specific Booking Terminals restricting booking on and off to only those workstations.


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System Parameters

To change System Parameters:


Select Maintain System Parameters option.



To view or update an item:


·         Click the item required to view or update.

·         Change Value, Text, Date, Activity, Notification, Province/State, Court or CAD Assignability as appropriate to the parameter being updated.

·         Notes will usually provide information as to how to set the appropriate value.  Notes may be changed if required.

·         Click Submit.



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System Parameter Definitions

Activity Request Permission

0 = Deny activity requests during lockdown (Default).

1 = Permit activity requests during lockdown.

Address format

0 = UK format.

1 = North America format (Default).

2 = Alternative North America format.

Advance Clocking Off

Limit to number of minutes in advance from system time that booking off may be made (Default: 60).

Advance Clocking On

Limit to number of minutes in advance from system time that booking on may be made (Default: 60).

Afternoon Max End HHMM

If MG10 Include Afternoons = 1. Latest time at which an afternoon shift ends

(e.g. 0000 = 00:00) (Default: 0).

Afternoon Min Start HHMM

If MG10 Include Afternoons = 1. Earliest time at which an afternoon shift starts

(e.g. 1200 = 12:00) (Default: 1200).

Annual Leave Threshold %

Default maximum percentage of personnel allowed to be on annual leave at the same time

(e.g. 1200 = 12.00 %) (Default: 1250).

Auditable Notes

0 = Notes are not auditable.

1 = Notes are not auditable.

Auto Reapply Court Commitments

0 = Court commitments require manual reapplication.

1 = Court commitments are automatically reapplied after shift regeneration/personnel transfer.

Average Daily Hours Threshold

Working Time Regulations.  Maximum average daily hours for night workers in minutes (Default: 480).

Average Hours Horizon

Working Time Regulations.  Default number of weeks over which to calculate average weekly hours (Default: 20).

Average Weekly Hours Threshold

Working Time Regulations.  Maximum average weekly hours in minutes

(e.g. 2880 = 48 hours) (Default: 2880)

Banked RTO Offset Ind

0 = Banked RTOs (Rest Days) are to be applied to first day of the shift pattern (Default)

1 = Banked RTOs (Rest Days) are to be applied to the persons offset into the shift pattern

Booking or Rule

0 = Show booking title during compensation selection (Default).

1 = Show rule title during compensation selection (Preferable).

CAD Interface

0 = No interface.

1 = Interface available

Cover Inclusion Time Units

If a person is present for at least this number of minutes during the hour, that person is deemed to be included in cover for the whole of that hour (Default: 30).

Cover Ranks

0 = Cover includes ranks only (Default).

1 = Cover includes ranks OR acting ranks.

2 = Cover includes ranks AND acting ranks.

Cover Semaphore

Used internally by cover recalculation to avoid concurrency conflicts - no setting necessary.

Current Leave Selection Year

Current Annual Leave Year for personnel to select blocks of leave from (YYYY).

Day of Shift

0 = Shift belongs to the day on which it starts.

1 = Shift belongs to the day on which it ends.

2 = Shift belongs to the day on which the majority of the shift lies.  If equally split, set to the day on which it starts.

3 = Shift belongs to the day on which the majority of the shift lies.  If equally split, set to the day on which it ends.

Duty Planning Show Ave. Hours

0 = Do not calculate and do not show WTR average hours in Duty Planning (Default)

1 = Calculate and show WTR average hours in Duty Planning

Encroachment limit - mins

Number of minutes between shifts.  e.g. 660 = 11 hours.  (Default: 660)

Encroachment validation ind

0 = No check of time between shifts required,

1 = Check of time between shifts required (Default)

Extra Pay Authorization

Default Extra Pay Authorization.


0 = Persons supervisor.

1 = Cost centre authorizer.

Extra Pay Election Admin.

Extra Pay Election Administration. 


0 = Administration data is not to be included during election.

1 = Administration data is to be included during election.

Extra pay Sub-reason.

0 = Extra pay sub-reason is optional.

1 = Extra pay sub-reason is mandatory

Force Transfer on Week Start

0 = Transfer date may be any date (Default).

1 = Transfer Date must be on the Start Day of Week parameter.

Gender Symbol Visibility

0 = Gender Symbol Not Visible.

1 = Gender Symbol Visible.  = male,  = female (Default) or  = non-gender specific.

Highlight Registered Vacation

Set to 1 if Registered Vacation is to be highlighted with a special colour (See Registered Vacation Colour System Parameter); set to 2 if vacation registration is not required; otherwise set to 0.

Ignored Action

Extra Pay Ignored Action.


0 = Ignored time just ignored (Default).

1 = Ignored time credited to a time bank (see Ignored Time Bank parameter).

Lock Paid Extra Time.

0 = allow paid extra pay to be determined by working conditions (Default).

1 = No changes to extra pay once it has been paid. 

MG10 Include Afternoons

0 = Exclude Afternoons from MG10 (Default).

1 = Include Afternoons in MG10 (Default: Exclude).

Minimum Rest Days Check

0 = No check required.

1 = Check required.

Minimum RTOs Horizon

Working Time Regulations.  Number of weeks over which to calculate Minimum RTOs requirements.  (Default: 15)

Name format

0 = Rank Shoulder Surname, Firstnames e.g. Sgt 1234 Topley, Dave (Default)

1 = Surname, Firstnames (Shoulder) e.g. Topley, Dave (1234)

2 = Surname, Firstnames e.g. Topley, Dave

3 = Rank Surname, Firstnames e.g. Sgt Topley, Dave

Original or New MG10 Report

0 = Original MG10 Format.

1 = New MG10 Format (Default).

Provisional or Confirmed

0 = Default to Provisional

1 = Default to Confirmed

Retain Duties

Retain Duties (Call Signs) when Applying Activities. 


0 = do not retain

1 = retain.

Standard Day

Duration of a standard day in minutes e.g. 8:00 = 480.  (Default: 480)

Standard Day (Excl. Meals)

Duration of a standard day excluding meal break in minutes e.g. 7:24 = 444.  (Default: 444)

Start Day of Week

Normal start day of week for the Organization.


0 = Monday (Default)

1 = Tuesday

2 = Wednesday

3 = Thursday

4 = Friday

5 = Saturday

6 = Sunday

State Change New Rev Ind

0 = Change of state (provisional/confirmed) does not generate a new revision,

1 = Change of state (provisional/confirmed) does generate a new revision (Default )

Training Admin Request Status

0 = Create Unauthorized Activity Request.

1 = Create Authorized Activity Request

Two Tours

Set to 1 if two tour option is available for split day tours, otherwise set to 0

Use Fallback Special Day List

0 = Use only the special day list attached to the organization structure (Default)

1 = Use the default special day list in addition to the special day list attached to the organization structure

Witness Admin Roster Effect

Action on roster to be taken when confirming a trial date or adding a witness to a trial.


0 = No Activity Request and No Roster Update (Default)

1 = Unauthorized Activity Request

2 = Authorized Activity Request.

3 = Automatically Update Roster

WTR Exclude Other Breaks

Working Time Regulations.  Activities with a Other Breaks processing type are to be excluded from average hours calculation


Email Server

Email server address.  (Default: No emailing)

Force Name

Name of the Organization

Lieutime Payout Authorizer

Employee/Badge/Reg. number of person to authorise payout requests, otherwise set to 0 if authorised by immediate supervisor

Minimum RTOs (Rest Days) Threshold

Working Time Regulations.  Minimum RTOs thresholds e.g. 1,7,2,14 = 1 RTO in 7 consecutive days or 2 RTOs in 14 consecutive days etc.  (Default: 2,14)

Please Wait

Text required for please wait buttons

System Email Address

Email Address of CARM system

Time Bank Day Thresholds

Percentages of the day for which fractions of leave in days applies. e.g. 12.5, 37.5, 62.5, 87.5 indicates that less than 12.5% of the duration of the day is to be treated as zero days (0.0); 12.5% to less than 37.5% of the duration of the day is to be treated as a quarter of a day (0.25); 37.5% to less than 62.5% treated as half a day (0.5); 62.5% to less than 87.5% treated as three quarters of a day (0.75); 87.5% and above treated as a whole day (1.0).

User Text Watermark

Set to watermark to be displayed when entering user text.  e.g. File Number or N/A


Registered Vacation Colour

Background colour to be used for Registered Vacation (See Highlight Registered Vacation System Parameter)


Default Range From Date

Minimum date used in date selections (YYYYMMDD).  (Default: 19000101)

Default Range To Date

Maximum date used in date selections (YYYYMMDD).  (Default: 20991231)

Extra Pay Go Live Date

  Any extra pay prior to this date is to be ignored.

Go Live Date

Any compensation (including time bank entries and extra pay) prior to this date is to be ignored.

Pay Period Start Date

Pay Period Base Date (YYYYMMDD)


Adjustment Bank

Activity to be used for compensation rules requiring credits to Adjustment Bank (usually for core hours calculations).  (Default: Adjustment Time)

Annual Leave

Annual activity to be used for recording of compensated cancelled annual leave (Default: Annual Leave).

Annual Leave (Yearly Pick)

Annual activity to be used for annual picking of annual leave (Default: Annual Leave).

Central Sick Bank

Activity to be used for Central Sick Bank

Clocked  Shift

Activity to be used as the user defined shift during bookings.

Default User Defined Shift

Activity to be used as the user defined shift for rescheduling shifts.

Dog Bank

Activity to be used for Dog Handler Bank

Excess Time

  Other leave activity to be used for recording of non-extra pay excess time


Other Leave activity to be used for recording of FlexiLeave (Flexitime balance converted into time off) (Default: Flexileave).

Half Days Leave

Other Leave activity to be used for recording of leave in Half Days (Default: Half Days Leave).

Ignored Time Bank

Time bank to be used for ignored Extra pay (e.g. voluntary) (Default: Voluntary).

Instructor Activity

Activity to be used for Instructors.



Meal Break

Meal break activity (Default: Meal Break).

Off Duty

Activity to be used for Off Duty

Operational Availability

Activity to be used for Operational Availability.

Operational Readiness

Activity to be used for Operational Readiness.

Other Breaks

Other Leave activity to be used for recording of other breaks during flexitime recording e.g. Smoking.

Pay Duty Activity

Activity to be used for Pay Duties

Registered Annual Vacation

Activity to be used for recording of Registered Vacation

Standby Lieu Time Off

Activity to be used for crediting Lieu Time Off calculations in for Standby compensation rules (Operational Readiness/Availability) (Default: Lieu Time Off ).

Statutory Holiday Bank

 Activity to be used for Statutory Holiday Entitlements (Default: Statutory Holiday Bank).

Telephone Calls

 Activity to be used for Telephone Calls

Time Bank

Activity to be used as Time Bank for compensation rules requiring credits to a time bank (Default: Time Bank).

Time Off

Activity to be used for crediting Time Off in Lieu calculations in compensation rules (Default: Time Off in Lieu)

Voluntary  Time

Other Leave activity to be used for recording of non-extra pay excess time

 (Default: Excess Time).


Absence Notification

Default change of absence status message (Default: Default Notification).

Activity Notification

Default activity notification message (Default: Default Notification).

Activity Request Notification

Default activity request notification message (Default: Default Notification).

Assignment Notification

Default assignment notification message (Default: Default Notification).

Court De-notification

Default court de-notification message (Default: Default Notification).

Court Notification

Default court notification message (Default: Default Notification).

Date Notification

Default date notification message.  (Default: Default Notification)

Duty Notification

Default duty notification message.  (Default: Default Notification)

General Notification

Default general notification message.  (Default: General Notification)

Legal Notice

Notification message to be used as a Legal Notice on Login

Pick Commitments Notification

Default notification message for commitments during Annual Leave Picking

Shift Notification

Default shift notification message.  (Default: Default Notification)

Training Notification

Default training notification message.  (Default: Default Notification)


Default Province/State

Default Province or State (Default: Ontario)


Default Import Court

Default court for imported cases with no court specified.  (Default: Not Set)


CAD Default Assignability

Default assignability for CAD. Select from list of values.



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Function Parameters

To change Function Parameters:


Select Maintain Function Parameters option.



To view or update an item:


·         Click function and option to view or update.

·         Change Text as appropriate to the parameter being updated.

·         Notes will usually provide information as to how to set the appropriate value.

·         Click Submit.


Function Parameter Definitions

Activity Request Authorization, Parameters.Rounding

Set to UP if available slots for leave is to be rounded up, otherwise set to DOWN

Activity Request Authorization, Parameters.IncludeUnapprovedRequests

Set to Y if Unapproved Requests are to be included in the threshold checks, otherwise set to N

Activity Request Authorization, Parameters.VacationCreditMonthYear

Set to MMDD of date that Vacation Credits are to be creditted when cancelling Annual Leave Picks


Annual Leave Selection, Parameters.Rounding

Set to UP if available slots for leave is to be rounded up, otherwise set to DOWN

Annual Leave Selection, Parameters.PickType

Pattern of picks for this organization. Number of rounds[,Month Day From, Soft/Hard, Month Day To, Soft/Hard, Number of Picks (0 is unlimited)].  e.g. 2 rounds, Round 1: 2 picks between June 15th (soft) and September 15th (soft), Round 2 any number of picks between January 2nd (hard) and January 1st (hard) would be represented as: 2,0615,S,0915,S,2,0102,H,0101,H,0.  Soft indicates that the date allows for the whole block in which that date falls.  Hard restricts pick to just those dates.

Annual Leave Selection, Parameters.NumberOfWaitDatesPerLine

Set to the number of wait dates to be displayed per line

Annual Leave Selection, Parameters.PickingUnitEffectiveMonthDay

Set to MMYY for the effective date to identify members of a picking unit


Activity and Leave Request, Parameters.AccessType

Set to 1 if authorizers may have either enquiry or update access to the personnel to authorize, otherwise set to 2 if must have update access only

Activity and Leave Request, Parameters.CheckSufficient

Set to 1 if sufficient available time in bank is required, otherwise set to 0 if no check required

Activity and Leave Request, Parameters.IncludeAdjustmentBank

Set to 1 if adjustment bank is to be included, otherwise set to 0


Check Availability,Parameters.SortSequence

Set to 0 if sort by Prof. Exp. Date then rank, Set to 1 if sort by rank then Prof. Exp. Date, Set to 2 if special sort for Community Living Elgin

Check Availability,Parameters.SeniorityField

Set to 1 for identifier 1, 2 for identifier 2 or 3 for identifier 3 used to further identify seniority in the event of matching Prof. Exp. Dates

Check Availability,Parameters.UpdatesAllowed

Set to 0 if updates to be determined by user access rights, otherwise set to 1 if updates always allowed

Check Availability,Parameters.MazWeeklyHours

Set to maximum hours permitted in a week

Check Availability,Parameters.SuppressActivityDutySelection

Set to 1 if activity/duty selection permitted during shift selection, otherwise set to 0 if not allowed

Check Availability,Parameters.DefaultLocationGuesting

Set to 1 Guesting organization to default to that of the project/location, otherwise set to 0

Check Availability, Parameters.DefaultNumberOfDays

Set to default number of days from selected date (between 1 and 14 only)

Check Availability, Parameters.DispatchTeamID

Set to caption of the team containing Dispatch/Evaluators (e.g. Dispatch Trained)

Check Availability, Parameters.AllowBackfillPublishing

Set to 1 to enable backfill shift publishing, otherwise set to 0 if not required

Check Availability, Parameters.EPSMinimumProcess

Set to Processing Indicator value of maximum activity type to be used for abstraction purposes

Check Availability, Parameters.AutoSelect

Set to 1 if automatic selection of available personnel is required when Attention button is clicked, otherwise set to 0 for manual selection.


Event Planning, Parameters.OrgAddress1

Set to Organization Address Line 1

Event Planning, Parameters.OrgAddress2

Set to Organization Address Line 2

Event Planning, Parameters.OrgAddress3

Set to Organization Address Line 3

Event Planning, Parameters.OrgAddress4

Set to Organization Address Line 4

Event Planning, Parameters.OrgAddress5

Set to Organization Address Line 5

Event Planning, Parameters.OrgAddress6

Set to Organization Address Line 6

Event Planning, Parameters.BusinessNumber

Set to Business Number

Event Planning, Parameters.FormatDate

Set to format required for rate e.g. $0.00 for dollar amounts.


Apply Approved Activities, Parameters.AutoApplyAbsence

Set to 1 if absence is to be automatically applied following redirection here from request approval function, otherwise set to 0


Bid for Shifts, Parameters.SeniorityField

Set to 1 for identifier 1, 2 for identifier 2 or 3 for identifier 3 used to further identify seniority in the event of matching Prof. Exp. Dates


Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.PageSize

Set to 0 if main grid paging not required, otherwise set to number of lines per grid page

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.CallSign

Set to 1 if call sign display with duty required, otherwise set to 0

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.GuestOptional

Set to 1 if guesting required, otherwise set to 0

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.RerosterOptional

Set to 1 if reroster functionality required, otherwise set to 0

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.ActingOptional

Set to 1 if acting functionality required, otherwise set to 0

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.CoachingOptional

Set to 1 if coaching functionality required, otherwise set to 0

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.SuppressActivityDutySelection

Set to 1 if activity/duty selection permitted during shift selection, otherwise set to 0 if not allowed

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.SwapNotify

Set to 1 if shift swaps are to automatically open a Notify window, otherwise set to 0 for no notificattion

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.ActingSkill

Set to skill caption of the acting skill.

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.UndoLast

Set to 1 to enable the undo last action option, otherwise set to 0 to only allow undo all

Duty Planning/Activity Scheduling, Parameters.UndoNegativeBankActions

Set to 1 to undo last actions if any actions result in negative bank balance, otherwise set to 0


Annual Schedules/Rosters Enquiry, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the enquiry grid, otherwise set to 1 to enable them


Daily Duties Enquiry, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the enquiry grid, otherwise set to 1 to enable them

Daily Duties Enquiry, Parameters.PageSize

Set to 0 if grid paging not required, otherwise set to number of lines per grid page

Daily Duties Enquiry, Parameters.GuestedOut

Set to 0 if Guested Out personnel are NOT to be included in the enquiry, otherwise set to 1 to include them

Daily Duties Enquiry, Parameters.ShiftTypeSort

Set to 0 if sort by Department/Shift Type is NOT to be offered as an option, otherwise set to 1


Event Invoices Summary, Parameters.FormatRate

Set to format required for rate e.g. $0.00 for dollar amounts.


4 Week Team Schedules/Rosters Enquiry,Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the enquiry grid, otherwise set to 1 to enable them

4 Week Team Schedules/Rosters Enquiry,Parameters.PageSize

Set to 0 if grid paging not required, otherwise set to number of lines per grid page

4 Week Team Schedules/Rosters Enquiry,Parameters.GuestedOut

Set to 0 if Guested Out personnel are NOT to be included in the enquiry, otherwise set to 1 to include them


 Monthly Schedules/Rosters Enquiry, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the enquiry grid, otherwise set to 1 to enable them


Weekly Schedules/Rosters Enquiry, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the enquiry grid, otherwise set to 1 to enable them

Weekly Schedules/Rosters Enquiry, Parameters.PageSize

Set to 0 if grid paging not required, otherwise set to number of lines per grid page

Weekly Schedules/Rosters Enquiry, Parameters.CallSign

Set to 1 if call sign display with duty, otherwise set to 0

Weekly Schedules/Rosters Enquiry, Parameters.GuestedOut

Set to 0 if Guested Out personnel are NOT to be included in the enquiry, otherwise set to 1 to include them


Average Hours Enquiry, Background Job.Enabled

Set to TRUE if Average Hours Enquiry may be run in Background mode, otherwise set to FALSE


Average Night Shift Enquiry, Background Job.Enabled

Set to TRUE if Average Nightshift Enquiry may be run in Background mode, otherwise set to FALSE


Show Duty Details, Parameters.GuestOptional

Set to 1 if guesting required, otherwise set to 0

Show Duty Details, Parameters.BookingTypeNotes

Set to 1 if Booking Type Notes are to be displayed, otherwise set to 0

Show Duty Details, Parameters.UndoLast

Set to 1 to enable the undo to previous revision action option, otherwise set to 0 to only allow undo all

Show Duty Details, Parameters.SuppressDatesDropdown

Set to 1 to suppress the dates drop down list options when changing shifts, otherwise set to 0

Show Duty Details, Parameters.UndoPrevious

Set to 1 to enable the undo to previous revision action option, otherwise set to 0 to only allow undo all

Show Duty Details, Parameters.UndoNegativeBankActions

Set to 1 to undo last actions if any actions result in negative bank balance, otherwise set to 0


Show Personnel Details, FWGPEDParameters.NotYetDueOvertime

Set to 1 if details of extra pay not yet due to claim is to be suppressed, otherwise set to 0

Show Personnel Details, FWGPEDParameters.ChangeSupervisor

Set to 1 if supervisor may be changed, otherwise set to 0


Notes, Parameters.RemoveNote

Set to 0 if cleared notes are to be auditable, otherwise set to 1 to delete the cleared notes


Notify Personnel, Parameters.BlindCopy

Set to 1 if a blind copy (email option only) is to be automatically sent to the sender, otherwise set to 0 for no blind copy

Notify Personnel, Parameters.IncludeSupervisor

Set to 1 if the supervisor is to be automatically included, otherwise set to 0


Show Personal Details, Parameters.Address

Set to 0 if user may update address details regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Address option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.Contacts

Set to 0 if user may update address details regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Address option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.HomeEmail

Set to 0 if user may update Home Email Address regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Home Email option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.BloodType

Set to 0 if user may update blood type details regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Bloodtype option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.Firearms

Set to 0 if user may update firearms details regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Firearms option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.Handcuffs

Set to 0 if user may update handcuff details regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Handcuffs option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.DrivingLicence

Set to 0 if user may update driving licence details regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Driving Licence option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.Passport

Set to 0 if user may update passport details regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Driving Passport option

Show Personal Details, Parameters.Dates

Set to 0 if user may update dates regardless of user view, set to 1 to control by user view, set to 2 to hide Dates option


RCMP Acting Pay Claim Form, Parameters.FaxAddress1

Address for Faxes - Line 1

RCMP Acting Pay Claim Form, Parameters.FaxAddress2

Address for Faxes - Line 2

RCMP Acting Pay Claim Form, Parameters.FaxAddress3

Address for Faxes - Line 3

RCMP Acting Pay Claim Form, Parameters.Note1

Note 1

RCMP Acting Pay Claim Form, Parameters.Reference


RCMP Acting Pay Claim Form, Parameters.Enabled

Set to 0 if all fields are enabled to allow for overtyping, otherwise set to 1 if only signatory information and check boxes allowed to be overtyped


Selection Menu, Parameters.TeamSelection

Set to 0 if all fields are enabled to allow for overtyping, otherwise set to 1 if only signatory information and check boxes allowed to be overtyped


Login, Parameters.PrefillUserName

Set to 1 if User Name to be prefilled regardless of passthrough, otherwise set to 0

Login, Parameters.ShowApplicationpath

Set to 1 if Application Path to be displayed, otherwise set to 0


Home Page, Parameters.BookingTypeNotes

Set to 1 if Booking Type Notes are to be displayed, otherwise set to 0

Home Page, Parameters.OvertimeClaims

Set to 2 if Extra pay MUST be claimed immediately; set to 1 if Extra pay SHOULD be claimed immediately; otherwise set to 0

Home Page, Parameters.OvertimeClaimsSensitivity

Set to number of days after which Extra payClaims parameter above is effective (excluding today).  E.g. if set to 3 then any extra pay over 3 days old will initiate suggestion or enforcement of claim.  If set to 0 then any extra pay earlier than today will initiate suggestion or enforcement of claim.

Home Page, Parameters.BookingSupervisorPanels

Set to 0 if Booking Panel above Supervisor Panel, otherwise set to 1


Maintain Analyses and Extra Pay Reasons, Parameters.ReasonLinkSubReason

Set to 1 if Extra pay Sub-Reason may be linked to Extra pay Reason, otherwise set to 0


Maintain Cost Centres, Parameters.DivisionMandatory

Set to 1 if selection of an owning division for the Dept ID/Internal Order is mandatory, otherwise set to 0


Maintain Special Days. Parameters.PermProvTemp

Set to 1 if Working Conditions Special Days to identfy separately for Permanent, Provisional or Temporary Employment Type, otherwise set to 0


Performance appraisal, Parameters.TouchPointsOptional

Set to 1 if TOUCH points required, otherwise set to 0


Maintain Acting Ranks. Parameters.ActingSkill

Set to skill caption of the acting skill.


Maintain Personal Details, Parameters.WorkingConditionsMandatory

Set to 0 if Working Conditions selection is optional, otherwise set to 1 if mandatory selection required

Maintain Personnel Details, Parameters.FirstNamesCase

Set to 0 if as entered, 1 = UPPER CASE, 2 = Title Case

Maintain Personnel Details, Parameters.SurnameCase

Set to 0 if as entered, 1 = UPPER CASE, 2 = Title Case

Maintain Personnel Details, Parameters.GivenName1Case

Set to 0 if as entered, 1 = UPPER CASE, 2 = Title Case

Maintain Personnel Details, Parameters.GivenName2Case

Set to 0 if as entered, 1 = UPPER CASE, 2 = Title Case

Maintain Personnel Details, Parameters.PreferredGivenNameCase

Set to 0 if as entered, 1 = UPPER CASE, 2 = Title Case

Maintain Personnel Details, Parameters.ShiftRegeneration

Set to 0 if shift regeneration to take place in background, otherwise set to 1

Maintain Personnel Details, Parameters.ShiftRegenerationMessages

Set to 1 if shift regeneration messages are required, otherwise set to 0


Maintain Personnel Hourly Rates, Parameters.FormatRate

Set to format required for rate e.g. $0.00 for dollar amounts.

Maintain Personnel Hourly Rates, Parameters.PayrollReasonsOptional

Set to 1 if payroll reasons to be maintained, otherwise set to 0.


Payroll, Parameters.Employer Number

Set to valid Employer Number for output in Ceridian Extract File (Required Field)

Payroll, Parameters.ImportType

Set to Valid Import Type for output in Ceridian Extract File (Required Field)

Payroll, Parameters.ChequeType

Set to valid Cheque Type for output in Ceridian Extract File (Required Field)

Payroll, Parameters.SleepoverRate

Set to dollar value to be used for each sleepover


Payroll, Parameters.BasicRateCode

 Set to the internal code of the hourly rate to be used for basic hours

Payroll, Parameters.ActingRateCode

Set to the internal code of the hourly rate to be used for acting hours

Payroll, Parameters.CoachingRateCode

Set to the internal code of the hourly rate to be used for coaching hours


Payroll Shift Premiums, Parameters.PremiumRate1Code

Set to the internal code of the hourly rate to be used for premium rate type 1 (shift differential) hours

Payroll Shift Premiums, Parameters.PremiumRate2Code

Set to the internal code of the hourly rate to be used for premium rate type 2 (shift differential) hours


Personnel Commitments Reports, Parameters.NoReportOption

Set to 1 if there is an option to continue without producing a report, otherwise set to 0.


JOIN Extract, Parameters.JoinCodes

List join codes in order of importance

JOIN Extract, Parameters.ExtractPeriod

Number of months to extract

JOIN Extract, Parameters.ExportFolder

Pathname of output folder for extract files

JOIN Extract, Parameters.ExportLogFolder

Pathname of folder for log files


RCMP Payroll, Parameters.Rounding

Set to nearest number of minutes for rounding of OR/OA


RCMP Shift Differential, Parameters.OTReasonCode

Default Reason for Shift Differential Claims - set to Extra pay Reason Caption Text

RCMP Shift Differential, Parameters.OTReasonText

Default Reason for Shift Differential Claims - set to Extra pay Reason Caption Text

RCMP Shift Differential, Parameters.CostCentre

Set to 0 if Dept ID (Collator) derived from Organization Structure, otherwise set to 1 if Dept ID derived from Post


PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.StartDate

Cutoff date for extract data.  No data earlier than this date will be processed.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ProcessYear

Processing year for extract data.  Only data within this year will be processed

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ExportFolder

Pathname of output folder for extract files

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ExportLogFolder

Pathname of folder for log files

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ImportFolder

Pathname of input folder for import files

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ImportLogFolder

Pathname of folder for log files

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.PersonalID

Identification of Personal data files.  File name contains this ID.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.JobID

Identification of Job data files.  File name contains this ID.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.AccrualID

Identification of Accrual data files.  File name contains this ID.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.HierachyID

Identification of Hierarchy data files.  File name contains this ID.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.SkillID

Identification of Skill data files.  File name contains this ID.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.Separator

Character used to separate fields in import file. eg "," ";" "tab"

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.DateFormat

Format of all date fields in import file. eg "mm-dd-yyyy"

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ExportRecordLimit

Maximum number of records per export file

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ImportRecordHeaders

Set to 0 if there is no record header record in the import files, otherwise set to 1.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.FirstNamesCase

Set to 0 if as entered, 1 = UPPER CASE, 2 = Title Case

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.SurnameCase

Set to 0 if as entered, 1 = UPPER CASE, 2 = Title Case

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ClientID

Set to DRPS for Durham Regional Police Service, EPS for Edmonton Police Service.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.ActingSkill

Set to skill caption of the acting skill.

PeopleSoft Import/Export, Parameters.NumberOfDays

Set to number of days following last payroll extract to ignore imported balances.


Time Bank Analyses, BackgroundJob.Enabled

Set to TRUE if TimeBank Analysis may be run in Background mode, otherwise set to FALSE


Audit Files. Parameters.GridSize

Set to number of rows to display per page in the results grid


Maintain System Parameters, Parameters.Booking

Set to 1 if booking on and off is to be controlled by computer in which case System Maintenance can be used to store a cookie on the target computer indicating that it can be used for bookings, otherwise set to 0 to indicate that bookings can take place on any computer

Maintain System Parameters, Parameters.FixDayOfShift

Set to 1 if daily activities are to be adjusted to match the Day Of Shift control parameter, otherwise set to 0


Maintain User Details, Parameters.LinkUsers

Set to 1 if ability to link unlinked users is required, otherwise set to 0 to enable facility

Maintain User Details, Parameters.NewUserDefaultUserView

Name of default user view for new user, otherwise blank for no default


Acting Pay Costing. Parameters.RateTable

Set to 1 if rate tables are to be utilized, otherwise set to 0.


Daily Activity Recording, Parameters.AccessType

Set to 1 if authorizers may have either enquiry or update access to the personnel to authorize, otherwise set to 2 if must have update access only


Team Absences, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the grids, otherwise set to 1 to enable them


Team Bookings, Parameters.CheckDate

Set to 0 if to show due to book on between users expected shift required, otherwise set to 1 if to show due to book on any time during today

Team Bookings, Parameters.CADIdentity

Set to identify of CAD interface e.g. MPS for interface to Metropolitan Police Service CAD system

Team Bookings, Parameters.CADhttpurl

Set to URL of server to send the CAD information to

Team Bookings, Parameters.MPSTransformShoulder

Set to 1 if transformation of Badge number is required for MPS CAD interface, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.BookedOnDuties

Set to 1 if Activities, project/locations and duties may be changed while booked on, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.FutureDuties

Set to 1 if date selection required to set future duties, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.ImmediateShiftChange

Set to 1 if a start of shift time change in Due to Book On grid requires confirmation, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.DueOnHideIcons

Set to 1 if a start of shift time change in Due to Book On grid requires confirmation, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.DueOnHideGrouping

Set to 1 if the Zone (zones) column in Due to Book On grid is to be hidden, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.DueOnHideOn

Set to 1 if the Zone (zones) column in Due to Book On grid is to be hidden, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.DueOnHideActingCoaching

Set to 1 if the Acting/Coaching column in Due to Book On grid is to be hidden, otherwise set to 0

Team Bookings, Parameters.ActingSkill

Set to skill caption of the acting skill.


Flexitime/Timesheet Recording, Parameters.CostCentres

Set to 1 if payroll balances are to be broken down by Dept ID, otherwise set to 0.

Flexitime/Timesheet Recording, Parameters.FormatDecimal Hours

Set to format required for decimal hours.


Extra Pay Administration, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the grids, otherwise set to 1 to enable them

Extra Pay Administration, Parameters.ChangeUser

Set to 0 if user text may not be changed by the user, otherwise set to 1 to enable it

Extra Pay Administration, Parameters.UserMandatory

Set to 0 if user text is optional (may be blank), otherwise set to 1 to enforce an entry by the user (used in conjunction with ChangeUser parameter)

Extra Pay Administration, Parameters.OvertimeDivision

Set to 1 if extra pay authorized by authorizers within the user view division access is required, otherwise set to 0 for extra pay belonging to personnel within the user view access is required


Extra Pay Authorization, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the grids, otherwise set to 1 to enable them

Extra Pay Authorization, Parameters.ChangeRate

Set to 0 if rate may not be changed by the user, otherwise set to 1 to enable it

Extra Pay Authorization, Parameters.ChangeUser

Set to 0 if user text may not be changed by the user, otherwise set to 1 to enable it

Extra Pay Authorization, Parameters.UserMandatory

Set to 0 if user text is optional (may be blank), otherwise set to 1 to enforce an entry by the user (used in conjunction with ChangeUser parameter



Extra Pay De-authorization, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if user text is optional (may be blank), otherwise set to 1 to enforce an entry by the user (used in conjunction with ChangeUser parameter


Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.ToilPresent

Set to NO if OT Bank election not applicable to flexitime workers otherwise set to YES

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.User1Mandatory

Set to 0 if User Text field is optional, otherwise set to 1 if mandatory entry required

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.RateEnabled

Set to 0 if rate drop down list is disabled, otherwise set to 1 if it is enabled for user to change the rate

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.CCEnabled

Set to 0 if Dept ID drop down list is disabled, otherwise set to 1 if it is enabled for user to change the Dept ID

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.CJEnabled

Set to 0 if Cost Job drop down list is disabled, otherwise set to 1 if it is enabled for user to change the Cost Job

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.CAEnabled

Set to 0 if Cost Activity drop down list is disabled, otherwise set to 1 if it is enabled for user to change the Cost Activity

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.CCMandatory

Set to 0 if Dept ID may automatically default to the default selection, otherwise set to 1 if mandatory selection is required

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.CJMandatory

Set to 0 if cost job may automatically default to the default selection, otherwise set to 1 if mandatory selection is required

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.CAMandatory

Set to 0 if cost activity may automatically default to the default selections, otherwise set to 1 if mandatory selection is required

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.IgnoreOption

Set to 0 if time cannot be elected for Ignore, otherwise set to 1

Extra Pay Claim and Election, Parameters.IncludePreApprover

Set to 1 if Pre-Approver selection to be included, otherwise set to 0


Manual Extra Pay Claims. Parameters.UserMandatory

Set to 0 if User Text field is optional, otherwise set to 1 if mandatory entry required


Extra Pay Administration Changes, Parameters.EnableToolTips

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the grids, otherwise set to 1 to enable them

Extra Pay Administration Changes, Parameters.ChangeReason

Set to 0 if tooltips are not to be shown in the grids, otherwise set to 1 to enable them

Extra Pay Administration Changes, Parameters.ChangeUser

Set to 0 if user text may not be changed by the user, otherwise set to 1 to enable it

Extra Pay Administration Changes, Parameters.UserMandatory

Set to 0 if user text is optional (may be blank), otherwise set to 1 to enforce an entry by the user (used in conjunction with ChangeUser parameter

Extra Pay Administration Changes, Parameters.OvertimeDivision

Set to 1 if extra pay authorized by authorizers within the user view division access is required, otherwise set to 0 for extra pay belonging to personnel within the user view access is required


Show My Training Courses, Parameters.WishListLimit

Set to maximum number of courses a person is allowed to add to their wish list.  Set to 0 if there is no limit.  Set to -1 if no courses may be added.



Court Case Witness Availability, Parameters.PickDate

Set to 1 if start date is date of trial, otherwise set to 0 for date search



Court Case Witness Selection, LstWorkers.SelectionMode

Set to 1 if multiple selections, otherwise set to 0 for single selection (automatic) only


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Function User Buttons

Allows setting and clearing of up to 3 Function User Buttons on each CARM user page.


To set or clear Function User Buttons:


Select Maintain Function User Buttons option.



To set a Function Button:


·         Select the function button to be set e.g.


·         Enter Title name that you want to be on the Button e.g. .

·         Enter URL Address of required target page. May be internal to or external to CARM.

·         Click Submit.



·         The Titled Function User Button will now appear on the relevant CARM User Page e.g.



To clear a Function Button:


·         Select the function button to be removed e.g. .

·         Clear the Title box

·         Clear the URL Address box

·         Click Submit.


To find which Function User Buttons are in use, use the find buttons:


·         Click   or  without having to scroll through all the unused buttons.


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Booking Terminals

Optional: facility to download a cookie to specific workstations, restricting booking on and off to only those workstations.


A CARM Administrator will set a specific Function Parameter on each of those terminals and a cookie will be downloaded to perform this function.


·         Select from My Menu, System Maintenance > System Control Parameters.

·         Select Maintain > Function Parameters.

·         Select Maintain System Parameters, Parameters. Booking



·         Set to 1 if booking on and off is to be controlled by computer in which case System Maintenance can be used to store a cookie on the target computer indicating that it can be used for bookings, otherwise set to 0 to indicate that bookings can take place on any computer".

·         Click Submit.



·         Click Home to return to Home Page and automatically download the control Cookie.

·         Select from My Menu, System Maintenance > System Control Parameters.



·         Click  If the Terminal requires that it is available for booking on and off.


·         Click  If at a later date the Terminal for some reason requires that it is not to be available for booking on and off.


 When the parameter is set to 1 then only terminals so set will allow online Book on and Book off. If in the future the cookies on a terminal are removed, then that terminal will need resetting by a CARM Administrator.



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