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Cost Activities

Creating Costing Information

How to create costing information for Extra Pay: this information allows you or your Finance Department to analyse where your Extra Pay budget has been spent. With special options, you can pass Extra Pay information directly to payroll.


There are three types of Costing Information and you can use any combination of these:


Cost Centres

Cost Activities

Cost Jobs


Each has a default option, which is automatically selected if you do not change it during the Administer Extra Pay process.


Cost Centres is usually the minimum requirement for most organizations


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Creating a Cost Activity

Select General Maintenance > Cost Activities



·         Select Click here to enter a new cost activity.

·         Enter a Title.

·         Enter a Caption.

·         Enter Identifiers 1, 2 or 3 if required.

·         Enter Indicators 1, 2 or 3 if required.

·         Click Insert.


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